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  STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES THAT YOU REACH FOR THE STARS!  These Strategies And Techniques Will Make You Aim a Lot Higher๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Chapter 1 where this all get started                 Synopsis There is an invisible talisman (mental attitude) that has 2 amazing powers: it has the power to draw in wealth, success, happiness and wellness; and it has the  power to drive back these things — to rob you of all that makes life worth living.  It's the first of these powers, that lets a few men climb to the top and remain  there. It's the second that keeps other men at the bottom all their lives. It's the  later that pulls still other men down from the top when they've accomplished it. A Place To Begin You must learn to develop the habit of recognizing, relating, assimilating and  utilizing universal precepts and adopt them as your very own. Then follow  through with desirable action. And what are the precepts you might apply? They may be learned and applied  by youngsters and grownup


  THE SECRETS OF MARKETING VIA SOCIAL NETWORKING  SITES                       INTRODUCTION No matter what you sell on the internet today – whether it is eBooks, products you have to mail out or services that you provide yourself – you need to find customers.That much is certain, but the more creative you are at finding those Customers (especially when those methods don’t involve spending any money) the more successful you are likely to be.And that’s why it is in your best interests to become familiar with social networking sites. Not to tell people all about what you do in your spare time, or to share the intimate details of your life with, but to use as a method to gain more business.Yes, there are thousands of customers to be found on these sites. Despite the fact that they are intended for social purposes, they can be used for business purposes too. You just need to know how to do it.And there is no doubt that the people who are doing it already are reaping the rewards. There are su


TOP 10 MISTAKES TO AVOID IN IM  1:UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS  Internet Marketing (IM) won't cure AIDs or make you an instant millionaire. Many people get into Internet marketing with unrealistic expectations that they'd never consider entertaining if it were in some other field. Just because you don't need to go to school for years to get a degree in Internet  marketing for you to be able to open an online business doesn't mean that it won't take hard work and commitment to succeed within this arena. Like other business endeavors, it's going to take money and time to get started and the results won't be instantaneous.Let's take a look at some of the misconceptions that people have about  Internet marketing and place them in a more realistic context. Some of these  unrealistic expectations include the following:  Little To No Work Involved – This may come about from the idea that there is little physical labor or that you are working in a virtual environm